eNZees Blog

Interview with a Podiatrist: Nicole Hayward

by Jill Schuman | June 21, 2016 | 0 Comments



Nicole Hayward Life After Heels blog fitness podiatry

We recently spoke with Nicole Hayward, a podiatrist and founder of the blog Life After Heels. Nicole writes about her love of fitness, helpful tips on keeping your feet healthy, and her everyday life as a working mom. Nicole is also a new convert to the wonders of eNZees Foot Soother. See what she has to say:

Jill: What originally attracted you to podiatry?  


Nicole: Since I was young, I always wanted to be a doctor.  I thought it was so noble to be able to help people who were in pain.  I also have always loved to walk, in college I used to walk to clear my mind. It was in college that I decided I wanted to become a podiatrist and help people walk pain free. 

Jill: What inspired you to start Life After Heels? 

Nicole: I started Life After Heels  because I felt like I need an outlet and another way to help people (well honestly women).  My goal is to help women feel more comfortable in their own skin.   

JillWhy is it so important people take care of their feet? 

Nicole: I tell my patients all the time our feet are like the foundation to a house.  If your house doesn't have a sound and stable foundation, then the house itself will always have problems.

Jill: How do you combine your love of fitness with podiatry? 

Nicole: That is a good question and to be honest I am still trying to figure that out.  I have been toying with the idea of maybe trying to create a fitness class that helps to strengthen and stabilize the foot, but I still in the concept stage.

JillWhat do you think is so compelling about using the eNZees Foot Soother lambswool for foot care? 

Nicole: I love that it is all natural and so simple.  I think what really drew me to it was that it is preventive.  I love how it stops a blister from occurring, and that it allows people to continue to exercise pain free.

Tagged: all-natural blister prevention, blister prevention, how to have healthy feet, how to take care of your feet, Interview with a podiatrist, Life After Heels blog, Nicole Hayward, podiatry blog

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