eNZees Blog

Goldilocks and the 3 Shoes That Don't Fit: How to Prevent Blisters

by Jill Schuman | June 27, 2017 | 0 Comments

Let’s start with the obvious: You should really buy shoes that fit. One of the biggest reasons people get blisters is because they’re wearing shoes that don’t fit properly. (You can read more about that here.) But let’s just say, hypothetically, you’re favorite pair of shoes are just a hair too small. Or those heels that were on sale for crazy cheap are a wee bit wide. For whatever reason, if you’re stuck with a pair of shoes that aren’t a perfect fit, try these three eNZees techniques to help soothe your sole!

These Shoes Are Too Small!

How to prevent blisters on toes. How to prevent blisters when your shoes are too small.

Your new running shoes are a great fit, except when you’re going downhill. That’s when you realize your toes are rubbing against front of the shoe. Try lightly covering the front of your toes with eNZees to reduce the friction. You can wrap it between your toes to help hold it in place as you pull your sock on. The wool will weave into the front of your sock over the course of your run.

These Boots Are Too Wide!

How to prevent blisters on forefoot. How to prevent blisters on bottom of foot.

Sometimes when your boots are too wide, your foot can slip side to side. Try putting some eNZees underneath your forefoot. This will protect the skin from friction caused by even the most subtle movements. Hold it in place as you pull your sock over your foot. It will eventually weave into the fabric and stay in place.

These Heels Are Too Big!

How to prevent blisters on back of feet. How to prevent blisters on heel.

Are your heels sliding up and down against the back of your shoe? Heel blisters can be some of the most painful. Take a big wad of eNZees and stick in the back of your sock. The wool will reduce the friction caused by up and down rubbing and prevent painful blisters.

Goldilocks says the shoes that are just right are the ones that fit! We recommend shopping at stores that specialize in boot or shoe fit. (Read more about how to find the perfect fit.) Spend some time walking around the shop and make use of those ramps to test how your new shoes perform on upslopes and downslopes.


Tagged: blisters from shoes too small, blisters from shoes too wide, blisters on feet, blisters on heel, blisters on toes, how to prevent blisters on feet, how to prevent blisters when shoe are too big, what causes blisters on foot

4 Reasons You’re Getting Blisters on your Feet

by Jill Schuman | May 04, 2017 | 0 Comments

You never get blisters! You’ve worn those boots a hundred times! You didn’t even walk that far! But nevertheless, there’s a blister threatening to ruin your hike. Blisters and their precursors, known as hotspots, can occur to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Even if you’re not prone to them, they can still occur under the right circumstances. See what causes blisters and learn how you can prevent them on your next hike, run, or walk!

  1. Blisters, if you didn’t know, are created when the outer layer of skin separates from the inner layers. The body responds by filling that “pocket” with lymph fluid. The most common cause of this is friction: generally from footwear that doesn’t fit properly. Shoes that are too big or even too small can cause friction. When you’re buying your next pair of hiking, walking, or running shoes be sure to visit a shop that specializes in fit.

    What causes blisters on feet when hiking and walking

  2. Moisture is another usual suspect when it comes to blisters. Wet skin is significantly more prone to the damage caused by friction, so you should do everything in your power to reduce the moisture around your feet. First, wear socks made of a moisture-wicking fabric such as wool or synthetic materials (no cotton!). Second, you can use lambswool (like eNZees Foot Soother) to further reduce the amount of sweat on your feet. Third, be aware of the temperature and humidity levels. People that live in dry environments (like Colorado!) could develop blisters if they go for a hike in the rainforest.

    Moisture can cause blisters on feet

  3. It’s race day and your adrenaline is pumping. You’re set to hit a new PR and suddenly you begin to feel a blister under your big toe. What’s up? Running or walking at a faster pace than normal can create blisters even when you don’t normally get them.

    What causes blisters when running?
  4. Cold feet can ruin both your wedding day and your hike. Cold weather can cause something known as chilblains - damage to the skin’s capillaries – which in some cases can lead to blisters. If you’re out headed in cold weather, make sure you’re wearing warm boots and socks to protect your feet.

    Cold weather can cause blisters on feet


Tagged: blisters on feet when hiking, blisters on feet when running, causes of blisters on feet, friction can cause blisters on feet, how to prevent blisters on feet, moisture can cause blisters on feet, what causes blisters on feet

The City Walker's Guide to Blister Prevention

by Jill Schuman | October 29, 2016 | 0 Comments

how to prevent blisters while walking

Whether you’re taking the dog for a stroll around the park or walking to work, there’s nothing that can ruin your daily constitutional like an ill-timed blister. But blisters don’t have to be a fact of life! Follow these simple steps for preventing blisters and enjoy your walk! 

  1. Find shoes that fit!

This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many blisters could be prevented simply by wearing shoes that fit. If your shoes are too short, you can easily develop hot-spots on your toes where they are rubbing the front of your shoe. Or, if your shoes are too big or too wide, blisters can form on your heels or under your toes because your feet are moving around too much inside the shoe. When you buy your next pair of shoes, do so from an experienced footwear specialist who can help you find the perfect fit for your foot.

 find shoes that fit to prevent blisters

  1. Invest in good socks

Socks are easy to skimp on or are quite often just an after thought. But when it comes to blister prevention, good socks are one of the key ingredients. Avoid cotton and invest in a few nice pairs of wool or synthetic socks. Wool and synthetic materials wick the moisture away from your skin, reducing that blister-causing friction. We particularly like FITS and Smartwool.

 wool socks to prevent blisters, FITS Socks

  1. Moisturize that dry skin

Believe it or not, dry skin is more prone to blisters. Pamper your feet with a pedicure and don’t forget to apply lotion. You can also use eNZees Foot Soother on a daily basis to soothe dry skin. The lanolin found naturally in our wool moisturizes dry skin and can help with corns and calluses.

  1. Use eNZees Foot Soother!

Carry a MINI in your purse or day-bag in case of emergency. When you begin to develop a hot-spot, simply wrap the wool around your toes or apply to the back of your heel to reduce the friction between your shoe, sock, and skin. The wool will weave into the fibers of your sock, holding it in place. No need for tape or scissors! Simply pull it out like Velcro when you’re done.

easy ways to prevent blisters while walking, eNZees Foot Soother prevents blisters and hot-spots on feet

Tagged: dry skin causes blisters, getting blisters while walking, good fitting shoes to prevent blisters, how to prevent blisters naturally, how to prevent blisters on feet, how to prevent blisters while walking, prevent blisters naturally, what causes blisters, what causes blisters on feet, wool socks to prevent blisters

The Benefits of eNZees Foot Soother Over Drug Store Remedies

by Jill Schuman | October 26, 2016 | 0 Comments

How to prevent blisters while hiking

Like everyone, I’d been told for years the “best” way of preventing blisters: tape, scissors, and moleskin adhesive pads. And like most people, I found that these “solutions” rarely worked… at best they made blisters tolerable, but never prevented them altogether. While trekking in New Zealand, I learned that wool, an eco-friendly renewable, and biodegradable fiber, could actually prevent blisters before they even begin. I had to bring this all-natural solution to blisters and hot-spots back to the United States.

eNZees Foot Soother prevents blisters and hot-spots on feet

But how is eNZees Foot Soother better than your traditional drug-store remedies? Let me list the ways!

  1. eNZees Foot Soother prevent blisters and hot-spots before they begin. Wool is naturally moisture wicking and actually helps reduce the friction between your shoe, sock, and skin. It isn’t just a stopgap.
  2. The wool fibers weave into your sock, holding it in place. This completely eliminates the need for tape and scissors. If you’re a backpacker, you’ll appreciate this extra weight savings!
  3. The lanolin, found naturally in wool, moisturizes your skin, so not only does eNZees Foot Soother prevent blisters it also soothes dry skin.
  4. We’ve heard from numerous customers, that eNZees Foot Soother can create a soft cushion for hammertoes, easing foot pain.
  5. Because eNZees Foot Soother is all-natural, it’s perfect for people who experience skin allergies to synthetic materials.

Tagged: how to prevent blisters naturally, how to prevent blisters on feet, how to prevent blisters while hiking, is wool natural, prevent blisters naturally, what causes blisters, wool biodegradable